2023 巴西短期宣教 Brazil Short-Term Mission
巴西里約及古城短宣隊一行 10人將於 7月31日至 8月13日,與本地教會包括「古城主恩堂」合作,到當地短宣,包括醫療服務、話劇佈道、個人佈道等。請弟兄姊妹以禱告紀念短宣隊的每位隊員。
The 10-people Brazil STM team will travel to the Greater Rio de Janeiro area and Curitiba from July 31st to August 13th by partnering with local churches including Curitiba CBC, providing medical services, holding a drama evangelistic meeting, and sharing the gospel by visiting shops and families. Please remember the team in your prayers.
2023-08-02 Day 2
Visitation & Discipleship 2 at CBC Curitiba 探訪+古城主恩堂 門徒訓練 2
Split into 3 teams and visited many Chinese restaurants etc. We made many contacts (about 30), sharing the Gospel, and inviting them to the Free Clinic this Sunday. In the evening, we continue Discipleship 2.
分成3個小組,探訪了很多中餐館等。我們接觸了很多人(大約30個鋪頭),分享福音,並邀請他們來這週日的義診。 晚上,我們繼續門徒訓練2。
Pic 1: Visitation
Pic 2: Coffee break with the local sisters who helped us during visitations.
Pic 3: Discipleship 2
聖地牙哥主恩堂 母堂 CBCSD Main Campus
聖地牙哥主恩堂 母堂粵語堂
Chinese Bible Church of San Diego - Main Campus Cantonese
Office Address: 12335 World Trade Dr, Ste 2, San Diego, CA 92128
Sunday Worship 主日崇拜: 2號大樓 Building 2 / 10:45am
12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128
Phone: 858-675-8777
Email: info@cbcsd.com
CBCSD Website: cbcsd.com