Mogi Visitation (no pics) 探訪更進: 亞雪, 碧玉, 亞錦, 八爺
Niteroi team will have Discipleship Training 1 tonight.
Mogi team will continue to visit neighboring towns tomorrow. They will take an overnight bus to go back to Nova Iguaçu (Rio de Janeiro) tomorrow night. Please remember them in prayers.
Mogi團隊明天將繼續訪問鄰近城鎮。 明天晚上,他們將乘坐通宵巴士返回新伊瓜蘇(里約熱內盧)。 請在祈禱中記念他們。
Niteroi team will continue to do visitations in the daytime. In the evening they will continue Discipleship Training 2. Please pray for them.
Niteroi團隊將繼續在白天進行探訪。 晚上,他們將繼續門徒培訓2。 請為他們祈禱。
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