Today we had over 37 patients. PTL.

今天我們服務了超過 37 位病人 。感謝主

Youth decorated the Brazil STM tote bag
Morning devotion 早上集體靈修
Morning devotion 早上集體靈修
Clean up after dinner 晚飯後打掃衛生

Prayer Items:

Tomorrow we will have two Sunday worships. Coincidentally it will be Father’s Day in Brazil. The first one in Nova Iguaçu will be an outdoor worship and evangelistic meeting. Afterwards we will have Brazilian BBQ, group games with prizes, volleyball game, and karaoke. The second worship, a Gospel Sunday, will be in Niteroi. Please pray for both evangelical focused worship events. Pray that people will come to Christ!

明天我們將有兩個主日禮拜。 巧合的是,明天也是巴西的父親節。第一個崇拜是在於新伊瓜蘇,這是一個主日崇拜和佈道會,崇拜之後,我們將舉行巴西燒烤、帶獎品的團體比賽、排球比賽和卡拉OK。 第二個崇拜是在尼特羅伊舉行,這是一個福音主日。請為兩個以福音為重點的崇拜會祈禱,祈禱人們能來到基督面前!

Two of the team members, Cynthia and Dorothy, will take an early morning flight home tomorrow. Pray for the safe travels!

兩名團隊成員 Cynthia 和 Dorothy 明天將會大清早乘飛機回家,為安全旅行祈禱!