2024 巴西短期宣教 Brazil Short-Term Mission

巴西里約及古城短宣隊一行 10人將於 8月1日至 8月16日,與本地教會包括「古城主恩堂」合作,到當地短宣,包括醫療服務、個人佈道等。請弟兄姊妹以禱告紀念短宣隊的每位隊員。

The 10-people Brazil STM team will travel to the Greater Rio de Janeiro area and Curitiba from August 1st to August 16th by partnering with local churches including Curitiba CBC, providing medical services and sharing the gospel by visiting shops and families. Please remember the team in your prayers.

Day 15 – From Curitiba to Rio de Janeiro 從古城到里約

Today was the last day in Curitiba. Six members flew to Rio de Janeiro while two flew to another city for their post-STM journey.

今天是古城(庫裡蒂巴)的最後一天。 六名成員飛往里約熱內盧,兩名成員飛往另一個城市進行短宣後的旅程。

Curitiba: Group Picture 張應造傳道在最右邊
Curitiba: Group Picture 張應造傳道在最右邊
On the way to Rio de Janeiro 在出里約的飛機上
Max (left) stayed for a later flight to Rio. Fiona and Kenny waited for their flight to Foz do Iguaçu
Dinner with Rev Chan Wai-Chuen who just arrived from Hong Kong. 與陳偉泉牧師及樊俊杰傳道晚餐

Six of the team will fly home tomorrow morning. Pray that the travels will be smooth. This concludes the 2024 Brazil Short-term Mission Trip. Thank you for your love and prayers!

六人將於明天早上飛回家。 祈禱旅行順利。 2024年巴西短期宣教之旅到此結束,謝謝你的愛和祈禱!

Day 14 – Curitiba 古城

The team had a sumptuous Brazilian BBQ lunch today. Then we split into two teams to do visitations.

團隊今天吃了豐盛的巴西燒烤午餐。 然後我們分成兩個小組進行探訪。

Cantonese Visitation: 今日探訪: 亞娜,亞娜父母,校長(劉燕),亞翠

Visitation: 校長(劉燕)
Discipleship Training 3 門徒訓練 3
Discipleship Training 3 門徒訓練 3
Group picture 合照
Group picture 合照

Prayer items:

  1. Some of the team members are not feeling well. Pray that they will recover soon. 一些團隊成員感覺不舒服。 祈禱他們能儘快康復。
  2. One team member’s flight from Curitiba to Rio de Janeiro got cancelled without reasons. Thankfully he still has another ticket that can be used but it requires transit in São Paulo and the transit time is only 50 minutes. Pray that he will be able to make the connection on time and arrive Rio safely. 一名團隊成員從庫裡蒂巴飛往里約熱內盧的航班無緣無故被取消了。 感謝主,他還有另一張可以使用的票,但需要在聖保羅轉機,轉機時間只有50分鐘。 祈禱他能夠按時轉機,安全到達里約。
  3. Tomorrow will be a travel day after morning group devotion. Pray that the team members will arrive their destinations on time and safely. 明天集體靈修後,我們便會乘搭飛機。 祈禱團隊成員能按時安全到達目的地。

Day 13 – Curitiba 古城

Visitation: 萍姐
University of Paraná 州立大學
University of Paraná 州立大學
University of Paraná 州立大學
CBC Curitiba 古城主恩堂
CBC Curitiba 古城主恩堂
CBC Curitiba 古城主恩堂

Visitations (Cantonese): 探訪名單: 朱生,朱太, 伍瑞美,伍瑞美丈夫,伍宗發, 劉思娜,劉思娜丈夫,亞傑,萍姐。

Prayer Items

  1. We will have some follow-up visitations tomorrow. 我們明天將進行一些後續探訪。
  2. We will have the last Discipleship Training tomorrow evening. 我們明天晚上將進行最後一次門徒培訓。

聖地牙哥主恩堂 母堂 CBCSD Main Campus

聖地牙哥主恩堂 母堂粵語堂

Chinese Bible Church of San Diego - Main Campus Cantonese

Office Address: 12335 World Trade Dr, Ste 2, San Diego, CA 92128

Sunday Worship 主日崇拜: 2號大樓 Building 2 / 10:45am

12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128

Phone: 858-675-8777

Email: info@cbcsd.com

CBCSD Website: cbcsd.com