2024 巴西短期宣教 Brazil Short-Term Mission

巴西里約及古城短宣隊一行 10人將於 8月1日至 8月16日,與本地教會包括「古城主恩堂」合作,到當地短宣,包括醫療服務、個人佈道等。請弟兄姊妹以禱告紀念短宣隊的每位隊員。

The 10-people Brazil STM team will travel to the Greater Rio de Janeiro area and Curitiba from August 1st to August 16th by partnering with local churches including Curitiba CBC, providing medical services and sharing the gospel by visiting shops and families. Please remember the team in your prayers.

Day 12 – Arrived Curitiba with hiccups 到達古城但有阻攔

The team of eight was scheduled to take the 8:35am flight from Rio de Janeiro to Curitiba. We checked out from the airport hotel at terminal 1 and arrived the terminal 2 before 7am where we checked in our flights. There were very long lines. Only three members were able to board the scheduled flight and the rest were rebooked to the 4:35pm flight.

八人小組計劃乘坐上午8:35從里約熱內盧飛往庫裡蒂巴的航班。 我們從1號航站樓的機場酒店辦理退房手續,並在早上7點前到達2號航站樓,在那裡辦理航班登記手續。 排隊隊伍很長,只有三名成員能夠成功登上預定的航班,其餘的被重新預訂到下午4:35的航班。

Curitiba: Visitation 棠哥 (middle) (right: 昌哥/Raymond Wong from Canada)
Curitiba: church dinner before Discipleship 1 門徒1前的教會晚餐
Curitiba: church dinner before Discipleship 1 門徒1前的教會晚餐
Curitiba: church dinner before Discipleship 1 門徒1前的教會晚餐
Curitiba: Discipleship 1 門徒訓練 1
Curitiba: Discipleship 1 門徒訓練 1
Curitiba: Discipleship 1 門徒訓練 1
Curitiba: Discipleship 1 門徒訓練 1
Curitiba: Discipleship 1 門徒訓練 1
Curitiba: Discipleship 1 門徒訓練 1

Prayer items:

  1. Temperature drops to high 30’s at night and upper 50’s in daytime. Pray for the members’ health. 夜間氣溫降至30度,白天降至50度。 為成員的健康祈禱。
  2. We will have visitations tomorrow with separate Mandarin and Cantonese teams. 我們明天將分為國語和廣東語團隊進行探訪。
  3. Pray for Discipleship Training 2 tomorrow. 為明天的門徒培訓2祈禱。

Day 11 – Brazilian Father’s Day 巴西父親節 Two Worship Services & Evangelistic Meetings 兩個主日崇拜&佈道會/福音主日

Nova Iguaçu- youth passing gifts to men/dads 年輕人把禮物傳遞給男人/爸爸
Nova Iguaçu
Nova Iguaçu
Nova Iguaçu- Brazilian BBQ lunch 巴西燒烤午餐
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲

Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲
Nova Iguaçu- Celebrate Father’s Day with cake 慶祝巴西父親節
Nova Iguaçu

PTL two people responded the altar call during Niteroi’s service.

感謝主在 Niteroi 有兩位接受耶穌為救主!

Prayer items:

We will fly from Rio de Janeiro to Curitiba tomorrow to commence our ministry there. Pray for travel mercies.

我們明天將從里約熱內盧飛往古城(庫裡蒂巴),在那裡開始我們的事工。 為旅程祈禱。

We will start visitations. Pray for good harvest.


Tomorrow evening there will be Discipleship Training 1.


Day 10 – Free Clinic at Nova Iguaçu 新伊瓜蘇義診

Today we had over 37 patients. PTL.

今天我們服務了超過 37 位病人 。感謝主

Youth decorated the Brazil STM tote bag
Morning devotion 早上集體靈修
Morning devotion 早上集體靈修
Clean up after dinner 晚飯後打掃衛生

Prayer Items:

Tomorrow we will have two Sunday worships. Coincidentally it will be Father’s Day in Brazil. The first one in Nova Iguaçu will be an outdoor worship and evangelistic meeting. Afterwards we will have Brazilian BBQ, group games with prizes, volleyball game, and karaoke. The second worship, a Gospel Sunday, will be in Niteroi. Please pray for both evangelical focused worship events. Pray that people will come to Christ!

明天我們將有兩個主日禮拜。 巧合的是,明天也是巴西的父親節。第一個崇拜是在於新伊瓜蘇,這是一個主日崇拜和佈道會,崇拜之後,我們將舉行巴西燒烤、帶獎品的團體比賽、排球比賽和卡拉OK。 第二個崇拜是在尼特羅伊舉行,這是一個福音主日。請為兩個以福音為重點的崇拜會祈禱,祈禱人們能來到基督面前!

Two of the team members, Cynthia and Dorothy, will take an early morning flight home tomorrow. Pray for the safe travels!

兩名團隊成員 Cynthia 和 Dorothy 明天將會大清早乘飛機回家,為安全旅行祈禱!

聖地牙哥主恩堂 母堂 CBCSD Main Campus

聖地牙哥主恩堂 母堂粵語堂

Chinese Bible Church of San Diego - Main Campus Cantonese

Office Address: 12335 World Trade Dr, Ste 2, San Diego, CA 92128

Sunday Worship 主日崇拜: 2號大樓 Building 2 / 10:45am

12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128

Phone: 858-675-8777

Email: info@cbcsd.com

CBCSD Website: cbcsd.com