Day 15 – From Curitiba to Rio de Janeiro 從古城到里約

Today was the last day in Curitiba. Six members flew to Rio de Janeiro while two flew to another city for their post-STM journey. 今天是古城(庫裡蒂巴)的最後一天。 六名成員飛往里約熱內盧,兩名成員飛往另一個城市進行短宣後的旅程。 Curitiba: Group Picture 張應造傳道在最右邊 Curitiba: Group Picture 張應造傳道在最右邊 On the way to Rio...

Day 14 – Curitiba 古城

The team had a sumptuous Brazilian BBQ lunch today. Then we split into two teams to do visitations. 團隊今天吃了豐盛的巴西燒烤午餐。 然後我們分成兩個小組進行探訪。 Cantonese Visitation: 今日探訪: 亞娜,亞娜父母,校長(劉燕),亞翠 Visitation: 校長(劉燕) Discipleship Training 3 門徒訓練 3 Discipleship Training 3 門徒訓練 3 Group...

Day 13 – Curitiba 古城

Visitation: 萍姐 University of Paraná 州立大學 University of Paraná 州立大學 University of Paraná 州立大學 CBC Curitiba 古城主恩堂 CBC Curitiba 古城主恩堂 CBC Curitiba 古城主恩堂 Visitations (Cantonese): 探訪名單: 朱生,朱太, 伍瑞美,伍瑞美丈夫,伍宗發, 劉思娜,劉思娜丈夫,亞傑,萍姐。 Prayer Items We will have some follow-up...

Day 11 – Brazilian Father’s Day 巴西父親節 Two Worship Services & Evangelistic Meetings 兩個主日崇拜&佈道會/福音主日

Nova Iguaçu- youth passing gifts to men/dads 年輕人把禮物傳遞給男人/爸爸 Nova Iguaçu Nova Iguaçu Nova Iguaçu- Brazilian BBQ lunch 巴西燒烤午餐 Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲 Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲 Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲 Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲 Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲 Nova Iguaçu- Games 遊戲 Nova Iguaçu-...

Day 10 – Free Clinic at Nova Iguaçu 新伊瓜蘇義診

Today we had over 37 patients. PTL. 今天我們服務了超過 37 位病人 。感謝主 Youth decorated the Brazil STM tote bag Morning devotion 早上集體靈修 Morning devotion 早上集體靈修 Clean up after dinner 晚飯後打掃衛生 Prayer Items: Tomorrow we will have two Sunday worships. Coincidentally it will be Father’s...