Day 3 – Free Clinic in Niteroi 義診

13 Patients at Free Clinic 義診有13名來看病 Tomorrow we will have worship in Nova Iguacu (at 10am) and Niteroi (4pm). In the evening we will split into two teams. One team stay in Niteroi while another will take an overnight bus to Mogi which is close to São Paulo. Please...

Day 2 – Arrived Rio and Started Visitation 到達里約 開始探訪

The team arrived Rio de Janeiro safely without issues. We started visitation and invited people to come to the free clinic the next day. 團隊安全抵達里約熱內盧。 我們開始探訪,並邀請人們第二天來義診所。 Before the flight to Rio de Janeiro. 在飛往里約熱內盧的航班之前。 Please pray for tomorrow’s free clinic....

2023-08-01 Start! 出發

Traveling Day 旅程開始! The team will depart on 8/1. We will fly to Rio de Janerio via Atlanta, GA. 團隊於 8 月 1 日出發。 我們乘坐 2...